Saturday, December 14, 2013

Planning and Day 1 Training

I'm about to get out of bed, strap on my running shoes and get started with the training for Boston 2014!  I'm excited to say the least. 

As some of you know, I like a plan when I prepare for a goal race, something that says what my workout regimen should be on a daily basis as I prepare for my race. I'm using Hal Higdon's Advanced 1 plan for Boston which is the same plan I used to prepare for the Lansing Marathon last spring where I ran my Boston qualifying (BQ) time. I don't always do exactly what the plan says, but I stay pretty close to it. I considered a couple other plans this time around (Hansons included) but decided to stay with the same plan to see how it worked a second time around while changing the goal marathon pace (MP) to being faster than what I used to prepare for Lansing. 

The question of why I use a plan is something I've recently been told was found to be  humorous by "friends" Mark and Dave Who?  What's to marathon training than running almost every day, one long run each week, and one or two days of speed each week, right?  Well boys.....when it comes to my preparing for important middle-life goals, I like more definition. Perhaps if I had run 20+ marathons including a 2:25:00 marathon previously, I wouldn't care too much about a plan.  

Now that I've got that out, please note the text of the email below where Dave Who? is asking for a copy of my Boston plan....probably going to give it to Mark Who?

On Dec 14, 2013, at 4:44 AM, dwchomet@....wrote:

Where is the email with the Boston plan?   What kind of friend are you??????   

Today I'm doing five miles at MP however, I'm still debating what that pace will be. I will start today at 7 minute pace but may back off that after more analysis of my most recent races.  More on that later. 

Out of bed...

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