Monday, May 25, 2015

Ironman Training - Week 3

Last week's totals:
Swim:  4400 yards, 1:27
Bike:  117 miles, 6:27
Run: 14.2 miles, 2:02

Total time:  9 hours, 56 minutes
Total TSS: 515 

Updates/reminders otherwise:
- 7 weeks from Ironman Muncie 70.3
- 10 weeks from Ironman Boulder
- Started thinking about how things went in 2012 at Ironman....always helps to re-read the race report.  if you are interested, check it out: 2012 Ironman Mont Tremblant Race Repor
- Hamstring is responding well to MedSport recommendations.  Sunday's run was almost pain free.
- The weekend workouts are beginning to get long.  I felt strong this weekend and pushed it.  Next weekend is a step up in terms of time/distance.  All of this is a lot of fun...that's the truth. I'm lucky to have the opportunity. Just have to stay healthy....
- Loved the three day weekend. Hope you did too.

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