Sunday, March 1, 2015

February 2012-15 Totals and More

Month in Review
February 2015 in Michigan was apparently the fifth coldest month in the history of the state, but that didn't slow down Boston runners or Ironman triathletes.

Here's how things worked out for me including totals from the three previous years....I should also mention the top line refers to the number of hours working out for the month:
- 2012 was the Ironman year, so lots of balance between the three disciplines.
- 2013 was the Boston qualifying year.  The goal was to run the Lansing marathon at 7:30 pace.
- 2014 was the first year I ran Boston and was similar to 2013 in terms of workout focus.
- 2015, on the other hand, continues to show a run focus but also keeps in eye on the need to be tri-focused later this year.  February wasn't quite as balanced as the totals from January, but it is still on the right track.  I'm pleased to see the extra effort in keeping this balance is showing up on the top line.

And More
- Today I met William Benton who has run EVERY DAY since April 23, 1977.  That's almost 38 years of running every single day.  More at:  I started running when I was ten....Mr. Benton had been running every day for almost a year at that point and has not missed a day since. Wow!
- Congrats to Jon Muncie, 13th fastest collegiate triathlete at today's UC Davis Aggieathlon!  I can only hope to stay close this year.
- Comet has NOTHING on his race calendar this year, but he managed to run 16 miles yesterday and 12 today.  Not sure how yet but this is clearly connected to the Code of the Elite Runner.
- Hamstring injury from December 2014 is flaring back up.  Hmmm.....
- Hope your training is coming along well!  Boston is in 50 days!

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