Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I Think I Love my PT - AND Ironman Training - Week 2

Today was the day I've been waiting for.  It is a day I should have scheduled three months ago. It was MedSport day.  

I arrived at 7:15 AM to meet with Renita, a physical therapist, at the runner's clinic.  I hadn't met Renita before. In the past I've worked with Ernie and like him a lot. However, Renita made a great first impression, and it didn't take long for me to be comfortable with her.  She's got a calm and friendly style, and she shared her expertise clearly. Renita is definitely a good person to see if you are heading to MedSport and need a PT consultation.

I spent just over an hour with Renita talking over my "issues", evaluating my gait, looking at my current running shoes, having her test/evaluate my functional strength, and practicing strengthening routines that are going to HEAL ME!  I left with a set of exercises that I am to do once a day.

I'm happy to report that Renita does not see my injury as being limiting long-term.  I do, however, need to create some strength balance between my left and right hamstrings to take care of things.  So, mostly good news.  I'm hopeful.  Thanks for your help, Renita.

Updates/reminders otherwise:
8 weeks from Ironman Muncie 70.3
11 weeks from Ironman Boulder

Last week's totals:
Swim:  4000 yards, 1:17
Bike:  111 miles, 5:52
Run: 17 miles, 2:31

Total time:  9 hours, 40 minutes
Total TSS: 400 (interesting that this is more than 100 lower than last did that happen.)

It was a tough week to fit it all in.  I missed one swim and one run.  It is what it is....

I was clearly reminded this week that Ironman athletes who work (far more than) full time require balance. For me, this comes mostly by working out very early and/or late.  I also keep in balance from the consideration I get my family.  This past weekend was a great example.  I had company during most of my Saturday ride, and I had company during part of the long run on Sunday.  It would be tough to do completely alone---and that is at under 10 hours of working out.  Don't get me wrong....I'd do it alone, but I always appreciate connections around exercise. It is motivating to be supported/connected.

Cool moment of the weekend: During Sunday's run, I found myself envisioning the last 10K of the Ironman marathon and what a cool moment that is going to be.  I'm hoping to hear Mike Reilly say again, "YOU ARE AN IRONMAN KEVIN!"

Other updates:
- Today was the first run intensity I've done since Boston...and it was only at a pace slightly faster than I ran 26.2 miles at just a few weeks ago. I'll do more if the hamstring starts to feel better.
- I ate so much food this past weekend. I just kept eating. I didn't stop.  EAT EAT EAT.

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