Sunday, February 23, 2020

Being Careful - Ride Substituted For Long Run

The last few years - as an almost 50 year old and now as the #over50triathlete - have been almost as much managing injuries as being healthy. The injury list has included plantar fasciitis, torn plantar fascia, hamstring issues, broken collarbone and a variety of lesser injuries. I'm wary of more injuries as I so want to race healthy this year.

So.....yesterday's tempo run with 18 minutes at sub 7 minute pace resulted in a pain in the ball of my left foot. Darn! I hoped and thought it would just go away during the day, but it was still painful last night.

And I had hoped I would wake up without pain and compete today's long run outside in the unseasonably warm temperatures. However I still felt the pain this morning and decided it would be better to ride instead of running. I completed an Ironman pace 90 minute ride and it felt pretty good. I think I made the right decision.

Time will tell if the injury is more or less serious. I've got a long road ahead and really want to be healthy. I hope my run schedule will pick back up in the next few days to be on schedule. Wish me luck!!!

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