Saturday, February 29, 2020

Training Reflections From A 51 Year Old

Today I was scheduled to do a 2x 16 minute tempo focused run as part of a half marathon focused build. However, last week while running a tempo run, I tweaked something in the ball of my left foot.  It is ok but I am efinitely not at 100% capacity.  So....instead of the regular workout today, I ended on on the elliptical for 45 mins and then 15 mins on tmill at 10 minute pace. It was ok but kind of a bummer to not be totally in the game right now. I need to figure this out.  

This lead me to thinking about how training is so different for me than it was 5-6 years ago. In my experience the game changed at 50 years old. 

My training needs related to keeping my body healthy are different. I do not currently believe I will run 5 -6 days a week again consistently. It seems too much. My body doesn't adapt the way it once did even with the strengthening, stretching and PT exercises I am doing.  I read about these needs a few years ago in the Joe Friel book Fast After 50. Check it out at:

I am now thinking that a tri-focused training plan will be beneficial year round.  Three sports are more likely to get me fit and keep me healthy than focusing on just one. Or, more specifically, without focusing solely on running. 

Everyone has a journey.  I am on a journey to keeping healthy this year and to race my best  I am going to get to the Cozumel starting healthy.  I have to.  

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