Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Diet Decadence - Merry Xmas!

The diet fell apart yesterday.  

It started with half of a Ferrero Rocher® and by the evening it had blossomed into pizza, chocolate chip cookies, and even Pop Tarts - pretty much anything I could put my hands on with refined sugar, enriched white flour, and other tasty high glycemic index goodness.  

Today I've had to request higher levels of security from the friar who hangs out in my house this time of year.  He is guarding the Vanilla Cream donuts from Mr. Horton's Palace.  #fierce

In all fairness, I'm balancing diet un-doing with some midlife getting ready for Boston workouts - some of them with the young people (@RyanKarr23 and @jmmuncie).  Here's how things have shaped first week of the Hansons marathon plan:
- 36 miles of running including first interval work (12 x 400 @ 85)
- 1 mile of swimming
- ~ 1 hour strength training
- Missed bike workout on Friday due to holiday fun.

All in all keeping it in balance. Merry Xmas!

Still wondering what has become of Dave...any Dave sightings?

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