Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Let's Talk June Totals + < Two Weeks to IM Muncie 70.3

So I realized this evening that it is the last day of June....and proceeded to total the workouts for the month.

As I began doing the addition, I knew the truth would come out.  I've missed a number of workouts this month, running in particular.  Partly the missed workouts were because of the hamstring issues. But June was a busy (i.e. stressful) month and fitting it all in . . . it just couldn't happen the way I wanted.

As the month progressed, I had to make choices, so I made sure I hit all of the "important" workouts. I missed no intensity, no long runs/bikes, etc. I skipped some recovery runs and missed a couple swims.

Here's how it panned out along with the June 2012 - 2014 training. First line is hours followed by yards for swimming and miles for bike/run.

My take on this:
Fewer hours but almost the same distances as 2012 which was the year I ran Ironman Mont Tremblant, so doing OK overall I guess.  Either way, it is what it is...and after the long workouts from last weekend, I'm either beat or a beast...not sure which one any more, I just know I'm tired.

Two weeks out from Ironman Muncie 70.3 and about five weeks out from Ironman Boulder.  

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