Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Made It To Boulder!

We drove into Boulder late this morning and "checked in" to our Spruce Street home for the week. It is in a great location just a few blocks from the Pearl Street mall. 

After arriving and getting all of the gear into the house, we walked and explored and shopped and ate. Later we found a Trader Joe's and Target to get some groceries and a second inflatable matures so Ryan and Hannah would have appropriate sleeping arrangements later this week :-). All in all a very busy day but things are set up well for the rest of the week with the house stocked with food and other essentials. 


In the early afternoon today I did get out to the bike course for a ride. I was pleasantly surprised to find the ride very pleasant and do-able despite the mile high altitude. Feeling very encouraged by this. Feeling like I need to get in the water ASAP now to get a feel for what that will be like. Hopefully tomorrow. 

Also, caught a cold somewhere so fighting that right now. Ugh.

Stats from today:
- High temp from today: 88
- Ounces of water consumed: at least 70
- Miles biked: ~22 and it felt good but I think I should biked a few more feet today to burn one more calorie. :-)

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