Sunday, April 14, 2019

Quote I Relate To

Sometimes I think about why running and triathlon are important to me. I suppose there are lots of reasons but when I read the following quote, it spoke to me in connection to my why:

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." ~ Norman Cousins

I love living and experiencing everything that life has to offer. I endeavor to feel it all....good and the rest.

Sometimes I think about or notice how life has changed since being a kid. Not surprisingly, things that make me happy or are fulfilling in some way never get old. Running is one of those things for me. It all started with Dad as a 10 year old. Cycling is another. I still love the feeling of getting out and exploring on my bike. Running and cycling are connected to my soul I guess.

Shared this with SJCK. She related too sharing, "yeah, I'm still waiting for the parachute (from elementary gym class) to come back out."

That's my 10-minute reflection for the day.

Boston Marathon Gear

Here's what I'm wearing at the Boston Marathon tomorrow. Look for me if you are on the course!

There are two pictures. After I took #1, I decided I should reorient my socks to make more clear what gear I would be took #2.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Leaving for Boston!

It is 5 AM and I am ready to leave for Boston! Can you see the Creamsicle orange Boston marathon jacket from 2014 that I only wear for this weekend? I love it.

I am reminded that this weekend was a dream that started in the spring of 2017 as I was recovering from a plantar fascia tear in my left foot. That injury had kept me on the sidelines for more than a year. As I build myself back up I had hoped to qualify to run Boston this weekend at the Chicago Marathon in the fall of 2017.

Happily I achieved my goal of qualifying and made my 50th birthday celebration connected to running Ironman Lake Placid 2018 and the Boston marathon 2019.

Even though a second plantar fascia tear-this one in my right foot-will cause me to walk more than I run this weekend, I am so excited to be going to Boston and having the chance to be a part of the oldest running marathon in the world for a third time! Looking forward to this fun.

I want to thank the family and friends who have always been supportive and encouraging of me. Most of all thanks to Stephanie, Ryan, Mom and Dad!