Saturday, April 13, 2019

Leaving for Boston!

It is 5 AM and I am ready to leave for Boston! Can you see the Creamsicle orange Boston marathon jacket from 2014 that I only wear for this weekend? I love it.

I am reminded that this weekend was a dream that started in the spring of 2017 as I was recovering from a plantar fascia tear in my left foot. That injury had kept me on the sidelines for more than a year. As I build myself back up I had hoped to qualify to run Boston this weekend at the Chicago Marathon in the fall of 2017.

Happily I achieved my goal of qualifying and made my 50th birthday celebration connected to running Ironman Lake Placid 2018 and the Boston marathon 2019.

Even though a second plantar fascia tear-this one in my right foot-will cause me to walk more than I run this weekend, I am so excited to be going to Boston and having the chance to be a part of the oldest running marathon in the world for a third time! Looking forward to this fun.

I want to thank the family and friends who have always been supportive and encouraging of me. Most of all thanks to Stephanie, Ryan, Mom and Dad!

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