Sunday, April 14, 2019

Quote I Relate To

Sometimes I think about why running and triathlon are important to me. I suppose there are lots of reasons but when I read the following quote, it spoke to me in connection to my why:

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live." ~ Norman Cousins

I love living and experiencing everything that life has to offer. I endeavor to feel it all....good and the rest.

Sometimes I think about or notice how life has changed since being a kid. Not surprisingly, things that make me happy or are fulfilling in some way never get old. Running is one of those things for me. It all started with Dad as a 10 year old. Cycling is another. I still love the feeling of getting out and exploring on my bike. Running and cycling are connected to my soul I guess.

Shared this with SJCK. She related too sharing, "yeah, I'm still waiting for the parachute (from elementary gym class) to come back out."

That's my 10-minute reflection for the day.

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