Saturday, February 22, 2014

Running in Mexico

Boston Folks and those who are about to qualify-

My update from Mexico: Montezuma's revenge hit last night... Just before today's niner at marathon pace. I got about 3 miles in, struggling, and gave in.

Slept most of the day.

Drank some canned Fanta, are some almonds (from home).

Finished run just now on tmill...hey, it is 85 degrees out. #nothingstopsus

(Dave, that last thing is called a hashtag. The young people use it on things like Twitter and Instagram...I mean the Internet).

Can't wait for the Boston fun.

PS I'm pretty sure Scott McLean ran 38 miles today at marathon pace. #possessed (it is ok Dave, it is just a hashtag....we will keep working on it).

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