Sunday, April 20, 2014

Night Before Update

This race can't start soon enough. This waiting is killing me :-)

I'm hoping the training taper I've gone through pays off. I've gotta say it doesn't feel good right now but maybe I will have extra energy tomorrow. 

Here is the plan for tomorrow: 

5 am 
- wake up and eat breakfast: two bottles Ensure, bagel with peanut butter, beet juice, cappuccino. 
- get dressed

- begin walk down Boylston St. to Boston Common where I catch a bus to Hopkinton
- bus departs at 7 and takes about one hour I think

- arrive in Hopkinton and walk to a friend of a friend's grandmother's house...apparently she is happy to host runners each year in her home WITH her indoor plumbing! Otherwise runners have to wait outside at the local high school. 

- begin walking to starting line and line up

- wave 2, corrals 1-3 start
- I'm in corral three so not quite sure how long it will take me to cross the starting line

Atmosphere here is something I've never experienced.  It is just so big and crowded and emotion filled. The hotel where we're staying is very close to the road the race finishes on, Boylston St., so we are right in the thick of it. 

Hoping for a good experience mostly. And hoping the plan I've followed helps me get there fast. 

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