Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Another Data Look - Training Stress and Tapering

This mess of a graph from TrainingPeaks can be interpreted as follows:
Blue line - Fitness
Pink line - Fatigue
Yellow line - Rest
Red dots - Training Stress Scores (based on pace and HR data) with the highest red dot being the recent 18 miler
Blue dots - I forgot

Almost all of this data is paced on pace, not HR since I didn't actually track HR for most of my workouts.  There were also workouts on the bike where I didn't record TSS, so that messes things up just a bit.  However, the overall trends are still evident.

What we want in taper:
- Pink line dropping - it is definitely on the way down
- Yellow line rising - it is currently at its highest point in months

So things are looking good here.  Should be in a good place for Monday coming up.  Cautiously optimistic.

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