Thursday, July 30, 2015

Busy Day in Boulder Area

Busy day in Boulder:
1. Drove to Denver to pick up Zach first thing in morning
2. Drove back to Boulder
3. Checked in at the Athlete's Village to get race number, sign waivers, buy swag...
4. Ate a fabulous meal at Lyfe Kitchen. In fact probably the best I've had in quite some time. Wish one of these would open in A2 tomorrow. Would be enormously popular.
5. Drove one loop of bike course. Looks challenging but it is not Mont Tremblant. Much less climbing in Boulder.
6. Mary got in to Boulder late in the afternoon to pick up Zach. Was good to see her again too.

Looking forward to seeing Ryan and Hannah tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Colorado Circle Tour

Fabulous day with Stephanie from Golden to Grand Lake and on Trail Ridge Road. The pics are a bit out of order but are some highlights from the day.

Colorado Circle Tour Stop #1

With my honey in Golden. Coors Brewery tours closed we are in downtown for a quick stop.

Clearly in taper now

Blue line represents fitness
Pink line represents training stress
Yellow line represents rest

Over the next few days we need to see the yellow line go sky high and the pink drop significantly. Of course it will because of the very light training load.

Meanwhile we want that blue line to stay almost level.

Swimming up high

Swam a mile at elevation. NBD. Can't understand the fuss...was a little different after 100 yards but you adjust and things are fine. Def want to get out to reservoir to see what that is like-other than dirty 😀

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Made It To Boulder!

We drove into Boulder late this morning and "checked in" to our Spruce Street home for the week. It is in a great location just a few blocks from the Pearl Street mall. 

After arriving and getting all of the gear into the house, we walked and explored and shopped and ate. Later we found a Trader Joe's and Target to get some groceries and a second inflatable matures so Ryan and Hannah would have appropriate sleeping arrangements later this week :-). All in all a very busy day but things are set up well for the rest of the week with the house stocked with food and other essentials. 


In the early afternoon today I did get out to the bike course for a ride. I was pleasantly surprised to find the ride very pleasant and do-able despite the mile high altitude. Feeling very encouraged by this. Feeling like I need to get in the water ASAP now to get a feel for what that will be like. Hopefully tomorrow. 

Also, caught a cold somewhere so fighting that right now. Ugh.

Stats from today:
- High temp from today: 88
- Ounces of water consumed: at least 70
- Miles biked: ~22 and it felt good but I think I should biked a few more feet today to burn one more calorie. :-)

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Miles of Corn and One Vanagon Sighting!

Posting Vanagon for Dad and the corn for everyone in case you were somehow not aware of the vast American farmland.

Also surprised that I've heard two Bee Gees songs in Iowa. Still can't believe it ....

Got the Bikes and on our way to Iowa!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Feeling calm and ready...

Trek to Boulder begins today. Installed a little mitten on the new front wheel to take with me.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Let's Talk June Totals + < Two Weeks to IM Muncie 70.3

So I realized this evening that it is the last day of June....and proceeded to total the workouts for the month.

As I began doing the addition, I knew the truth would come out.  I've missed a number of workouts this month, running in particular.  Partly the missed workouts were because of the hamstring issues. But June was a busy (i.e. stressful) month and fitting it all in . . . it just couldn't happen the way I wanted.

As the month progressed, I had to make choices, so I made sure I hit all of the "important" workouts. I missed no intensity, no long runs/bikes, etc. I skipped some recovery runs and missed a couple swims.

Here's how it panned out along with the June 2012 - 2014 training. First line is hours followed by yards for swimming and miles for bike/run.

My take on this:
Fewer hours but almost the same distances as 2012 which was the year I ran Ironman Mont Tremblant, so doing OK overall I guess.  Either way, it is what it is...and after the long workouts from last weekend, I'm either beat or a beast...not sure which one any more, I just know I'm tired.

Two weeks out from Ironman Muncie 70.3 and about five weeks out from Ironman Boulder.  

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Changing of the Guard - Father's Day 2015

This is my 20th Father's Day. I am a very lucky dad.  My son Ryan has grown into a thoughtful, caring, and intelligent young man who is making decisions that will likely lead him to even more success as he takes the rest of what adult life brings his way.

This said, I'm finding it important to note the moment of change I'm in 20 years after becoming "Dad".  It happened last Wednesday during the Triceratops Triathlon, one of three local sprint triathlons in our area that makes up the T-Rex Triathlon series each year.  I've run these events fairly consistently over the last five years and have gotten better each year, finishing as high as 14th overall during one of the 2014 races.  These are always fun events that several friends run each year including my son Ryan who started to run them in 2014.

During the 2014 races, I enjoyed the camaraderie with Ryan and friends but kept wondering when Ryan would start running past me.  It didn't happen in 2014; Ryan didn't beat me.   However, last Wednesday was a completely different story.  The 20 year run of Dad being on top (at least in the swim, bike, run world) came to an end.

This story is best shared by looking at the numbers as shown below.
To make a long story short, Ryan is a faster swimmer than me - especially last Wednesday.  We are still fairly close to each other on the bike and run.  

The finish line was a great moment for me, and the scene shows below.  It was a moment I labeled as a "changing of the guard".  It felt great to see Ryan taking over the reins to be the lead athlete in the family triathlon least until Ironman Muncie 70.3 on July 11 :-).  Maybe.

Love you, Ryan.  Really happy to be your Dad.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ironman in Training Away for Weekend

Anything worthwhile takes commitment. Now in the middle of three hours in a garage in TC.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Ironman Training Month 1

Below is how May 2015 turned out for me and how things looked the three previous years. Pretty darn good I'd say.

Updates/reminders otherwise:
- Now 5 weeks from Ironman Muncie 70.3
- 8 weeks from Ironman Boulder

As of this writing, I'm also at the end of the school year, the busiest time of the really.  It was tough to get the workouts in last week.  Good thing last week was a step back week with only about 7.5 hours on the training plan.  I missed a couple workouts but still got in about 6.4 hours.  Hoping to do better this week.

Thanks to SJCK for her support. :-)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Little Things ...

When I was a kid, we would go to JC Penneys at Arborland to get new shoes. I loved it.

Same holds today...Picked up two pairs of Nike Structures over the weekend half-off. Isn't that great!? I do not need new shoes yet, but the current pair have all of that blood from the Boston Marathon...they can be the rainy day/trail shoes. :-)

Monday, May 25, 2015

Ironman Training - Week 3

Last week's totals:
Swim:  4400 yards, 1:27
Bike:  117 miles, 6:27
Run: 14.2 miles, 2:02

Total time:  9 hours, 56 minutes
Total TSS: 515 

Updates/reminders otherwise:
- 7 weeks from Ironman Muncie 70.3
- 10 weeks from Ironman Boulder
- Started thinking about how things went in 2012 at Ironman....always helps to re-read the race report.  if you are interested, check it out: 2012 Ironman Mont Tremblant Race Repor
- Hamstring is responding well to MedSport recommendations.  Sunday's run was almost pain free.
- The weekend workouts are beginning to get long.  I felt strong this weekend and pushed it.  Next weekend is a step up in terms of time/distance.  All of this is a lot of fun...that's the truth. I'm lucky to have the opportunity. Just have to stay healthy....
- Loved the three day weekend. Hope you did too.

Monday Swim Day

2800 yards and double nonfat cap reward. #goodday
Hope you are in the same place!

PS to swimmer friends...yes still slow but I am not injured! Also, loving the Roka Sims.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I Think I Love my PT - AND Ironman Training - Week 2

Today was the day I've been waiting for.  It is a day I should have scheduled three months ago. It was MedSport day.  

I arrived at 7:15 AM to meet with Renita, a physical therapist, at the runner's clinic.  I hadn't met Renita before. In the past I've worked with Ernie and like him a lot. However, Renita made a great first impression, and it didn't take long for me to be comfortable with her.  She's got a calm and friendly style, and she shared her expertise clearly. Renita is definitely a good person to see if you are heading to MedSport and need a PT consultation.

I spent just over an hour with Renita talking over my "issues", evaluating my gait, looking at my current running shoes, having her test/evaluate my functional strength, and practicing strengthening routines that are going to HEAL ME!  I left with a set of exercises that I am to do once a day.

I'm happy to report that Renita does not see my injury as being limiting long-term.  I do, however, need to create some strength balance between my left and right hamstrings to take care of things.  So, mostly good news.  I'm hopeful.  Thanks for your help, Renita.

Updates/reminders otherwise:
8 weeks from Ironman Muncie 70.3
11 weeks from Ironman Boulder

Last week's totals:
Swim:  4000 yards, 1:17
Bike:  111 miles, 5:52
Run: 17 miles, 2:31

Total time:  9 hours, 40 minutes
Total TSS: 400 (interesting that this is more than 100 lower than last did that happen.)

It was a tough week to fit it all in.  I missed one swim and one run.  It is what it is....

I was clearly reminded this week that Ironman athletes who work (far more than) full time require balance. For me, this comes mostly by working out very early and/or late.  I also keep in balance from the consideration I get my family.  This past weekend was a great example.  I had company during most of my Saturday ride, and I had company during part of the long run on Sunday.  It would be tough to do completely alone---and that is at under 10 hours of working out.  Don't get me wrong....I'd do it alone, but I always appreciate connections around exercise. It is motivating to be supported/connected.

Cool moment of the weekend: During Sunday's run, I found myself envisioning the last 10K of the Ironman marathon and what a cool moment that is going to be.  I'm hoping to hear Mike Reilly say again, "YOU ARE AN IRONMAN KEVIN!"

Other updates:
- Today was the first run intensity I've done since Boston...and it was only at a pace slightly faster than I ran 26.2 miles at just a few weeks ago. I'll do more if the hamstring starts to feel better.
- I ate so much food this past weekend. I just kept eating. I didn't stop.  EAT EAT EAT.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

PHOTO: Ironman Texas Trainer Party

Clean bikes + forecasted rain + 3.5 hour ride = Trainer Party 🎉🚴🏾💥

Monday, May 11, 2015

Ironman Training - Week 1

Now nine weeks from Muncie 70.3 and three months out from Ironman Boulder, I've completed the first week of full tri it is:

Swim:  5000 yards, 1:35
Bike:  100 miles, 5:11
Run: 17.6 miles, 2:24

Total time:  9:10 minutes
Total TSS: 502.5

Big first week relative to run only training.  9 hours, 10 minutes last week exceeds the peak of run only training by an hour.  Looking at the week ahead, it is daunting when overlaid with the work/family schedule.

I will find the balance one day at a time....and I'll be in the water at 5:30 AM tomorrow.

Other relevant updates and tangents:
- Hamstring.  MedSport, here I come.  
- Swimming is soooo therapeutic.  Pain to get up and get there, but once I get going it is a great start to the day.
- Today = first day off in 10.
Young Karr = awesome to have him home for the summer...and not just because he is a good workout partner.  
- Cappucino @ Babo = Yes!

Idea for a future post:
- Title: The Pros and Cons of Semi-adult Children Living at Home.  It would be a post that includes the topics of gas money, the lack of completed yard work, how to not stay awake until someone comes home at 2 AM, young man braggadocio, and happiness of having everyone under one roof.

Ryan @ USAT Collegiate Nationals, Clemson, South Carolina
Kid is looking ready to drop the hammer this year.  #strong

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Ryan the Fish

@RyanKarr23 the fish on the left and the guy in second place in the right. Getting hard to keep up. #stillclosetho #sorta

Sunday, May 3, 2015

April 2012-15 Totals and iPhone Video Debut

Totals for the last four years...including race month for Boston 15.  

Reminder: top line shows hours working out for the month. Other totals for previous months:  Jan 15, Feb 15, March 15

It is a starting point for Boulder 15.  Next month will look a lot different (if I can figure out when to do the workouts).

And last, for your viewing pleasure, my iPhone cinematic debut video.  Listen for the part when Mike Reilly, the voice of Ironman, says "Kevin Karr from Canton, Michigan.  YOU ARE AN IRONMAN, KEVIN!" Hopefully I'll hear it again on August 2.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Ironman Time

Feeling pretty good post BQ3. Time for Ironman training! It is going to be a lot of fun. Everyone should be doing this.

Thanks to RCK for the birthday socks. Love them. So far 47 is awesome.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Ryan - USA Triathlon Collegiate Nationals

Congrats, RCK.  You smoked it.  In particular your run was amazing.  Wow!!!!!

Marriott just got posted

Booking Marriott….Michigan runners like that I hear.

Book now.

Boston 2016 Hotels

Marathon Tours opened up hotels for 2016 today…..

Michigan runners like the Hyatt Regency.

Salazar Quote

Saw the quote below in the early Boston training stages and thought, "Yep, that's right."

"If you want to achieve a high goal, you're going to have to take some chances."
-Alberto Salazar

Like some of you, I took my chances and went for it this year. I got a hammy for it.

#Boston2016 #myyear

Friday, April 24, 2015

The 2015 Boston Marathon Race Report

I am a strategist….or at least that’s what I aspire to be.

When I started this training cycle, I had some hopes and dreams for the outcome of Boston 2015...namely, I wanted to crush it and run sub 3 hours …or as a secondary goal, run 3:05 (7 minute pace).  

Let’s break down the race day data...and see what happened.
  • Time:  
    • 3:13:56 (new PR by 35 seconds)
  • Heartrate:
    • Average HR:  155 (right in the middle of the sub-threshold zone), same HR as 2012 Lansing Marathon (flat, flat, flat), which yielded a 3:19 time.
    • First 30 mins average HR: 155
    • Last 30 mins average HR: 157
    • Upshot:  Good, even, reasonable….probably could push it harder 
  • Cadence:
    • Average cadence: 176
    • First 30 mins average cadence: 174
    • Last 30 mins average cadence: 178
    • Upshot:  Good, but I do have a sense that focusing more on form might make sense. Need to investigate this more.
  • Nutrition: 
    • Ate about 1000 calories before the start: two bottle Ensure, bagel, almond butter, Gatorade, Red Bull…my typical pre marathon/Ironman nutrition
    • Clif Bloks (100 calories) every five miles
    • Saltsticks every five miles
    • On course Gatorade and/or water often (75% of aid stations)
    • Upshot: worked well on this event

Success and Race Day Decisions
Any day you run a PR is successful, right?!  I cut off 35 seconds. At Boston.  That equals success.

But I didn’t meet my race day goals.  I trained for 3:05 or faster, but really wasn't close to that.

So what happened?  Why so far off?  Here's what happened:  I made a decision before the race to back off my seven-minute goal pace.  I did this because of the hamstring injury I had been struggling with over the last two months, and a bit of self-doubt in the days before Marathon Monday. I made the decision in the interest of my “best bet” at running 3:10 or better, I decided on the following steps:
  1. Start the race slower and establish the hamstring was going to be OK.  On race day, I went out at 7:24 and the hammy felt good.
  2. Work my way into a 7 minute pace if it felt OK…but most of all, listen to my body even if it meant going slower than 7 minute pace.  Turns out that on race day this pace came in at 7:15.
  3. Arrive at mile 16 (start of Newton Hills) and don’t push too hard through the next five miles with hopes of a strong finish.  I averaged 7:36s through these five miles with an average HR of 157……this is a strong data point, I think.
  4. Hope to be strong at the top of Heartbreak and fly into the finish.  I averaged 7:35s in this five mile section with and average HR of 157.  Given that average HR I could have pushed harder.  Five beats higher is easily within range for me.  However, just like last year, my quads were hurting so much that running even a slight downhill was painful.  I ran a 7:24 at mile 22 and had some thoughts of it continuing, but mile 23 to 24.5 (all downhill) wasn’t going to have it.  Painful.  A slight uphill and I could have gone faster. It is what it is. I just dug in the best I could and got through it.
How I dream of being strong at the top of Heartbreak.  Probably next year. 

I didn't meet my race day goals; I made strategic decisions in order to have my best race.  I ended up with a marathon PR.

For Boston 2016 Training:

And last, the bigger picture: Running and triathlon continue to fulfill important needs: fitness, friendship and fun in the forties!  I really love this ride, and I'm glad you are on it with me.  Next: triathlon season begins!
  • More downhill running at race pace.  I did much better on this than in 2014, but more is needed. 
  • Gotta build muscle.  I’ll be 27 this weekend, I mean 47. It makes sense to maintain and/or increase muscle mass.
  • Keep the Hansons plan. 
K. Karr

Oral Surgery Update

Home after a visit to the neighborhood oral surgeon today (which I intentionally scheduled after Boston - no breaks in training).

Doc says no exercise for a week. What? Do you think he was serious?!! He didn't even ask if that would be OK. #rudedog

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Morning After ... First Thoughts

Feel lucky to have been able to run The Boston Marathon these last two years. Thanks for all the Facebook support and encouragement. Appreciate you all...looking forward to next year already.  Hope you are too.  I'm going to figure out how to crush this course...haven't done it yet.
A short video showing what things were like late last evening:

Did I Mention Nothing Was Going To Stop Me Yesterday?

Note to self: don't wear those socks for long runs again....they don't come up high enough to prevent chafing, rubbing, or tissue loss. I may need a transplant for the lower Achilles area...actually had no idea I was bleeding until I got back to hotel after race.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Great Day!

Enjoyed the day tremendously and feel so fortunate to be here.

Also thankful to be a part of the running community and be around so many really good runners. Super impressed with those who dug deep today. Wow. One word: GUTS.

Full race report later. Until then, I will just say I ran a smart race given the situation.

About to go to bed after not leaving the hotel restaurant since getting here at 2:30. Fun times with fun friends.

It's Go Time

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Final Thoughts

It is all about what you make it....

- This training plan started in the middle of December.
- 573 miles running
- 300 miles on the bike (due to that hammy issue)
- Almost every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday have been tough workout days since then the start.
- On a few of those Thursdays I was on the treadmill by 5:30 AM.

Tomorrow is going to be a great day. :-)

Great Day / In For The Night

The course tour was well worth it for a Boston novice like me. Even though I ran last year, it was helpful to be on course today and remember what I experienced last year. It was fun to be on the course with S too, so she can see what I'll see tomorrow.  

Towards the end of the day we hoofed it to Faneuil Hall and picked us some necessities :-) 

Last, on this eve of the 2015 BM, I want to give thanks. As I think about the last six years of working to be more fit and healthy, it is marked with encouragement, happiness and lots of friends/family. I'm so fortunate. 

I'm in for the night. I hope everyone who is racing has a great experience tomorrow. I may post a pic of the race kit in a bit.