Sunday, January 28, 2018

Weekend Cross-training, Injury, Junk Food

Home after a weekend of downhill ski cross-training and junk food.  And an injury.

Here's the skinny on the injury:
Rode for 90 minutes on a FAT bike.  The snow was too slushy to ride in so I hit the dirt roads in Charlevoix County.  It was really, really nice, except for the ice.  I surmised that riding ice with five inch tires (without metal studded tires) is a lot like riding in sand with two inch tires - hold the wheel straight and don't turn. 
Long story short, hold the wheel straight and don't turn on ice works really well until you turn.  Then you go down.  On the ice.  With your full body weight hitting your elbow producing a 4-5 inch hematoma.  And a very shore shoulder. But nothing in broken, and I'm pretty sure this isn't going to slow me down much. Monday morning will tell me more.

As for the skiing….really awesome, especially Friday night with 40 degrees and good snow.  Being with the M-K group was AWESOME!  Jon, we missed you but somehow your weekend at Tahoe was probably an OK consolation prize.  And SJCK is a bomber that is hard to fast!

Junk food diet: all I can say is it is good that the Skitacular only happens once a year when it comes to the diet portion of the weekend.  So. Much. Junk.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Ironman Training Week 3 Summary

Image result for week 3
Week 3 was a good week of training with ups and a couple downs.  Let me share this categorically.  

1. Tom Brady is the G.O.A.T. - This has nothing to do with training whatsoever, but Tommy is the man.  We should all finish our races with way Tommy finishes football games. Remember this the next time you get to the last mile of a 10K, the last 10K of a marathon, or the last 13.1 of an IM.  Channel your inner Tommy!
2. Had some exciting talks with others this week about their health and fitness goals.  Eddie, we need to make a plan that gets you to Boston in the next three years.
3. Pretty good diet this week.  I like getting this back in check.
4. Had my first thoughts about personal goals for the year.  More below.

1. I am sick today.  Just a little I hope. Felt super tired on Saturday, sneezing and congested that night so took NyQuil.  Rested a lot on Sunday but still got my workouts in ;-).  We'll see what happens.  I am drinking LOTS of water and taking my vitamins.
2. Missed a workout this week….just tired and difficult to fit it all in.
3. There is a squirrel or something living in my attic.  Who knows of a company who can come help him live somewhere else?

Here are the training details of the week:
Workouts scheduled: 10
Workouts completed: 9
Swim - 4775 yards
Bike - 71.8
Run - 18 miles
Strengthening/PT: 20 mins
Time: 8 hours, 37 minutes
TSS: 556

I had a feeling this week's workouts were really tough relative to time required and intensity at this point in the training.  Then I looked back to IM Boulder training for week 3 which I should mention was based on a Fitzgerald plan as opposed to the current TrainerRoad plan.  Here's what week 3 look like in the IM Boulder training time period. 
Last week's totals:
Swim:  4400 yards
Bike:  117 miles
Run: 14.2 miles
Total time:  9 hours, 56 minutes
TSS: 515 

Isn't this fascinating?  A lot more bike mileage and A LOT more time in the IM Boulder training plan.  HOWEVER, look at the TSS!  I am definitely working hard on the TrainerRoad plan - over an hour less training but more TSS.  The numbers tell an interesting story.

Goals for the Year
More on this later, but I need to share my current (uninjured thoughts) are that just finishing IM Lake Placid is no longer the goal. Serious athletes have serious goals.  More to come on this topic…..


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Post-Saturday Workout View

Just wanted to give you all a view of the post-Saturday workouts in the Canton province.

After the longest swim of the year so far and an AWESOME outside sunny run, I cleaned all the major crevices and decided to find the couch until it is time for the next moment in life.

Here's what it looks like:

Monday, January 15, 2018

Ironman Training Week 2 Summary

Finished week 2 training and felt pretty good. The bike focus of the Trainer Road plan this week seemed to be a good fit.  I am hoping it helps with consistent training and injury prevention. That said, I am feel some hamstring tightness. The importance of completing PT exercises focusing on core strength, hamstrings, glutes and the plantar fascia seems important. When I schedule week 3 workouts, I am going to look for time for PT exercises as well.

Here's the breakdown for the week: 
Workouts scheduled: 8 
Workouts completed: 8
Bike - 76.4
Swim - 3950 yards
Run - 13.14 miles
Strengthening/PT: 25 mins
Time: 7hours, 55 minutes
TSS: 449

From week 1: 
Workouts scheduled: 7
Workouts completed: 7
Bike - 51 miles
Swim - 3850 yards
Run - 16.5 miles
Strengthening/PT: IDK
Time: 6 hours, 40 minutes
TSS: 446

I'm oddly noticing a similar TSS for each week but 1 hour, 15 minutes difference in workout time. The time difference can be accounted for in extra workout in week 2 (biking) compared to week 1. Other than that the similar TSS signifies week 2 had less intensity overall than week 1. Interesting because I was definitely more fatigued during week 2. 

What does not show in week 2? 
Two days and 26 miles of urban hiking in NYC including a beautiful but cold couple hours in Central Park shown in the picture here.  I guess the walking probably has some TSS related to it, but it isn't part of this analysis. 

I hope you all are getting out for stress managing workouts today! 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018

Twos - Evening Poetry

Mr. Red says two hour delay. 
Yes says Mr.  
I think not. 

Have one (or 2) on us. 
Nutter Butter. 
Your estimated arrival: 11:5TWO

Listening too 
And thinking 
And enjoying Utwo 
Looking for 2 good playlists
From the 80s and 90s 
Amazon Music 

Warm and calm
Two margaritas from Plum Market
Quite good
Two is now one...legs go!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Smoothie Time!

Thanks to RCK, my riding partner, I'm enjoying this lovely organic, protein packed chocolate smoothie this evening!

When he ask me if I wanted one, I said, "You bet! I'll give it a whirl!" #howiroll

Old Man Today? Yes or No

Age: 49 years, 8.5 months
Car parking: a ways away (door dings are maddening)
Bike: Cervelo P3, fastest, most winning bike in history of bikes (prob don't need new one)
Workouts Today: 45 minutes swim; 2.5 hours riding (that's 3.25 hours today for you non-math majors)
Riding Workout Average HR: 132
Training Stress Score Today: 156 TSS

Result: 87% NOT old man. Thank you!

New Watch Face


Monday, January 8, 2018

Sharing The Good News: Awesome Workout, Awesome Playlist!

Tonight marks the first of what will likely be many posts to share the good news.  This is a practice I heartily endorse, so I will practice it here.
Good News #1:  An AWESOME Workout
Today's workout, a so-called "brick", connected time on the bike followed immediately with a run.  In this case, the bike portion occurred using the Wahoo Kickr along with the winningest bicycle of all time (and likely still the fastest bike on the road today), Cervelo P3 Carbon...mostly stock but the add-on Chris King bottom bracket is sweet.  I'm sure you will agree.  Here's what the bike workout looked like on the screen:
The run portion was a quick 20 minutes:
THE GOOD NEWS:  This workout was a little tough but it was AWESOME!  Loved the run portion in particular. TSS - 76 total for the brick.

Good News #2: Found An AWESOME Workout Playlist on Amazon Music
If you are an Amazon Music fan, you should check out "Cardio Dance Workout" the next time you are on the t-mill in your basement or at your local "You Belong" Planet Fitness.  
THE GOOD NEWS:  This is an AWESOME playlist.  Everyone who works out should listen to it immediately!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Ironman Training - End of Week 1

Image result for week 1
Here's the breakdown:
Bike - 51 miles
Swim - 3850 yards
Run - 16.5 miles
Time: 6 hours, 40 minutes
TSS: 446

It was a nice week to ease into more serious training: not much related to work duties, matched up well with RCK to share some workouts (especially the dreaded swim workout), and a bit more time to rest.

The week coming will ramp up to close to 8 hours.  I am looking forward to the long run on Sunday in the park but not so much the 5:30 AM swims.  :-)

Training with the Elite One

Nice run workout today with RCK (i.e. the elite one). 

Also enjoyed some time with VH. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

First Workout 2018

Kicked it off with six at 8ish min pace average. Ok a long ways from fit but I loved it all the same.

Hope you all got a first workout in today also. Maybe #2 this afternoon!