Monday, January 15, 2018

Ironman Training Week 2 Summary

Finished week 2 training and felt pretty good. The bike focus of the Trainer Road plan this week seemed to be a good fit.  I am hoping it helps with consistent training and injury prevention. That said, I am feel some hamstring tightness. The importance of completing PT exercises focusing on core strength, hamstrings, glutes and the plantar fascia seems important. When I schedule week 3 workouts, I am going to look for time for PT exercises as well.

Here's the breakdown for the week: 
Workouts scheduled: 8 
Workouts completed: 8
Bike - 76.4
Swim - 3950 yards
Run - 13.14 miles
Strengthening/PT: 25 mins
Time: 7hours, 55 minutes
TSS: 449

From week 1: 
Workouts scheduled: 7
Workouts completed: 7
Bike - 51 miles
Swim - 3850 yards
Run - 16.5 miles
Strengthening/PT: IDK
Time: 6 hours, 40 minutes
TSS: 446

I'm oddly noticing a similar TSS for each week but 1 hour, 15 minutes difference in workout time. The time difference can be accounted for in extra workout in week 2 (biking) compared to week 1. Other than that the similar TSS signifies week 2 had less intensity overall than week 1. Interesting because I was definitely more fatigued during week 2. 

What does not show in week 2? 
Two days and 26 miles of urban hiking in NYC including a beautiful but cold couple hours in Central Park shown in the picture here.  I guess the walking probably has some TSS related to it, but it isn't part of this analysis. 

I hope you all are getting out for stress managing workouts today! 

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