Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Long Ride Nutrition Test

Hopefully the nutrition pictured will work for Sunday's five hour long ride. If yes, it becomes the Ironman plan.

- Perpetuem - 3 servings, 780 calories, 156 grams of carbs
- Maurten 320 - 2 servings, 640 calories, 160 grams of carbs
- Clif Bars - 2 servings, 520 calories, 84 grams of carbs
- Gu Roctane - 4 servings, 400 calories, 84 grams of carbs

Totals: 2320 calories, 484 grams of carbs

Workout: 5 hours ... so 464 calories and 96.8 grams of carbs per hour.

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