Saturday, February 14, 2015

Dear Heartbreak Hill - Thinking of You Today

Dear Ms. Hill,
While it has been nearly ten months since I've seen you last, you are on my mind. You hurt me a year ago, and I struggled after cresting you. This year will be different.

Maybe you even know these last two weeks have seen many 5:30 AM runs, 12 hour days at work, and very little else. Somehow I suspect you do know this. Maybe you are enjoying it....from under that snow you are hiding beneath.

It matters not. This week is different. The next weeks will be too. Balance returns. I won't miss workouts. I am doing wall sits as I write this missive to call you out and signal my intentions. I will be on top of you again soon. Stronger. #rightonhereford #leftonboylston #crushboston2015

My love,

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