Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Weekend Update

Got it done this weekend on the Sheraton tmill in ChiTown. Fourteen miles at 40 seconds per mile over marathon goal pace (with two fast finish miles because I want to be like Scott) wasn't all that bad. 

Here's the scene at 5:25 AM: 
Hopefully you can see at least my head in that photo...I was running as I took the pic cause I'm sweet like that (ha!). 

Enjoyed running as dawn arrived in Chicago and thinking about running the marathon with @sjck23 in 2013...still can't believe I lost her at mile 24 and didn't get to finish with her! I'm looking forward to running the Detroit Half with her this fall.  I won't be running ahead to get her water and bring it to her however. 😉

Running, health and a little bit of non-work time are gifts. 
Playlist today included:
- VH (of course)
- Duran Duran ( because it is still fun music)
- Crowded House
- Maroon 5 
- more....

Hope yourtraining is going great! 

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