Saturday, February 28, 2015

Deep Thoughts - Swim Reflections By KK

It is good to go to swim practice. I'm convinced of this...I think.

I know it is good to take time to swim and to refine my stroke. I like it when I learn something new or am reminded of good swim technique. And I like how I feel when I'm done.

In fact, here's what I learned (or was reminded of) today while at the pool thanks to Coach Ken who was on deck:
- Keep head slightly up looking forward at a 45ish angle.
- Keep knees closer together to prevent leg spread on kick.
- Pull all the way through stroke to maximize propulsion.

So what are my hesitations you are undoubtedly picking up on? Well....I do feel some success while in the pool, but I'm just not sure if there is enough success. My personal pool success to struggling ratio is not that good.

My biggest problems in swimming are with workouts like today when there were lots of drills and those "other" non-freestyle strokes. I think they are called backstroke, breast stroke and something particularly horrible called butterfly. Wth. I hate those things. I'm a triathlete. Why would I ever need to butterfly in the water? Right?! I'd rather just spend my time refining the stroke that's going to propel me across the Boulder Reservoir in August.

So I'm frustrated by swimming because I don't feel all that successful...

It always reminds me of what it must be like for kids to struggle with learning. And it reminds me of how really good educators are always thinking about making sure kids feel enough success while those kids are learning to make sure they will continue to persevere.

While that is a topic for another time, it so clearly connects to my learning in the pool. I just need to continue to find enough swimming success to persevere as well.

That's it for now....except to say GOOD LUCK to @jmmuncie in his first collegiate triathlon tomorrow at the UC Davis Aggieathlon. Knock it out, Jon! So excited for you!

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