Friday, January 2, 2015

Comet Runs Again!

Paul Aufdemberge, the U.S. Masters 10K record holder and likely a daily reader of this blog, has verified that Dave "the Comet" Chomet has emerged the depths of his ageless couch and is running again. See below: 
This is good news...sounds like running has occurred at least two days in a row.  
To be clear, Paul is a reliable source. If he says Dave is running again I'm sure it is true. Paul, thanks for the info! I also appreciate your readership and support. I'm hoping for a great year with several friends at Boston and other friends at Boulder. 

So...Dave is back to his old ways and is running again. This likely means a few other things are true as well. I've written about these things previously, but I will review for you again:
- He's probably wearing his Dad's 14.5 year old Garmin although he likely isn't downloading because that wouldn't make sense....and he has never heard of Garmin Connect
- Dave is visiting the Detroit metro Planet Fitness locations several times a week 
- Dave owes me at least four breakfasts at Leo's Coney Island.....probably dozens more are owed to the reader's of this  blog. Just comment on this post if this is true so we can begin to understand the requirements of payment. 

More Comet news and updates as it becomes available. :-)

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