Sunday, January 4, 2015

Dave Lives and Totals for 2014!

Dave Update:
I can confirm Paul's Dave sightings. The Comet lives!...we ran 10 "together" today.

However, during the run some shocking things were shared:
1.  Dave revealed he "accidentally" ran 60 miles over the past week.  SMH.  I can't even comprehend this.  The guy gets a couple days off work, and he turns into Forrest Gump.
2.  Dave said he ate a protein shake, a Clif Bar, 4 sandwiches (of some non-descript sort), 2 salmon burgers, and then 2 egg sandwiches BEFORE NOON YESTERDAY.  This, apparently, is what you eat when you have a 2:26 marathon PR.
3. At the start of the run today (treadmills), Dave said he was tired and was going to run short and slow.  HA! the end of the run Dave was running six minute pace and clearly ran farther than 10 miles.
Fun stuff.

Training Update:
43 miles this past week.  Completed track workout and tempo run...getting everything in so far.  Back to serious time at work tomorrow, so gotta find the right balance with training and the rest of life.

Totals for 2014:
Here’s how things shook out for me in exercise world for 2014 along with comparisons from other benchmark years:

137561 yards = 78 miles
59737 yards = 34 miles
43604 yards = 25 miles
2721 miles
1358 miles
1419 miles
897 miles
1383 miles
1422 miles
374 hours
326 hours
290 hours
Goal races
-   Ironman Muncie 70.3
-   Ironman Mont Tremblant
-   Lansing Marathon (Boston Qualifying)
-   Ironman Muncie 70.3
-   Boston Marathon
-   Ironman Steelhead 70.3

What I notice:
- Ironman training (2012) is a serious swim and bike commitment in comparison to other years.
- 2013 and 2014 are comparable years.  There is slightly less swim distance in 2014, but the time for strength workouts are not accounted for in the distance totals
- I'm working out less and less each year.  Mean hours over the last five years is 336 hours. may be that as I've dialed up intensity during workouts, it requires less time.

Predictions for 2015:
- Putting together Boston and Boulder will be difficult. The time to get in all the workouts will be a serious commitment.   Should be fun too.  

Thanks for reading....hope everyone's training is going well!  Have fun!

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