Friday, January 16, 2015

Tempo Run Thusdays (TRT) and 2015 BM Night Flash Jackets

The Hansons Advanced Marathon Plan is definitely a step up for me. TRT after a lot of hours at work is a challenge. It is a lot different than sleeping in on Saturday and do a tempo run at 9 am. Suffered a bit but got it done last night: 6 at 6:50 pace plus warmup and cool down.

And then we have the new 2015 Boston Marathon jackets in all of its Easter egg-like glory:

I don't know what to say other than these two things:
1. I will buy it.....these things are my trophies.
2. The blue and yellow jackets from 2013 are the ultimate.

Heading to bike trainer in a bit...going to get today's workout in early.

Happy training...

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