Monday, April 2, 2018

March 2018 Totals

March workout totals came as follows:
Total workout time:  48.6 hours
Swim - 27624 yards
Bike - 476 miles
Run - 90.3 miles

The first three categories as the highest volume I've done in March, so pretty big.  Previous to this year, the highest totals were as follows:
Total workout time - 32.5 hours (March 2015)
Swim - 12050 yards (March 2017)
Bike - 220 miles (March 2016).

Running a spring marathon always kicks up the run totals this time of the year. With Boston in 2014 and 2015, I had 215 miles and 180 miles respectively. 

So what's the upshot?
Well....lots of workout hours this month and staying pretty healthy. As I write, I am enjoying an off day of training.  Really nice to have some downtime this evening.

Also noticed some of the spring break 88 post photos did not go through....gotta fix that soon.

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