Sunday, March 15, 2015

16 Mile Long Run - Made it. 70% sure I'll race Boston

The Hansons Marathon plan does not prescribe 20 mile long runs…..16 is the highest you go.  The plan does, however, prescribe some serious Tuesday and Thursday intensity, at least from a soon to be 47-year old perspective.

I made it through the 16 miles this morning with only a slight hamstring tightness. I'm happy about this - very.  I had begun to think about training contingencies in case I couldn't race Boston and have even wondered if maybe I should not go to Boston.  Suffice it to say I'd be disappointed to just go and run/walk just to finish. I want to re-qualify for next year.  My plan is to run Boston every year for the next ten by re-qualifying each year while running Boston…in case you didn't know.  In any case, given today's result, Im still relatively on track for a good Boston.  I think I'll be on the starting line.  

I'll need to be very careful over the next few weeks before doing any intensity workouts.  While today was not intense from a speed point of view, it was intense in terms of distance.  Beforehand, I did a few miles on the bike to get my legs moving and feeling OK.  I think it helped.  I'm thinking of doing the same later tonight to see if I can loosen things up before bed.  I'm going to do more biking warm ups.

Loved being outside today on Hines.  LOVED IT.  So glad we are not iced over like March was last year.  

Thanks to Dave and Paul for running today.  Enjoyed the company.

Also loved Rebecca's omelette after the run today.  It is almost like we are in the Cheers bar now…they know my name.   Is that a good thing? 

Hope everyone is healing up/healed up and running out there.  :-)  Appreciated Dave's comment today that sometimes the biggest hurdle in marathon training is just getting through the training as opposed to the race itself.

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