Monday, March 2, 2015

Got a Mention on a UCal Tri Blog!

Super excited to get a mention on a budding triathlete's training blog today.  It is fun for the older crowd to feel like they can still keep up . . . or at least be noticed :-)

I'm wondering if you would text me your bike numbers?  What did you Garmin show for your average mph, average HR as well as gain/descent?

Your run looks very strong....what was your average HR?  I'm wondering what might happen if you open it up on the bike and go for it ... and then hold on during the run.

I'm just curious.  Love playing with those #s to see what might be....

Thanks again for the shout out, Jon.  Great job! Keep up the good tri work, and don't forget to do that bio-organic chemical engineering Phd work you are out there for ....

Go Bears!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wondering - can you see my activity details on garmin connect?

Bike numbers:
Avg. speed - 21.4 mph
Gain - 184 feet
Descent - 69 feet

Unfortunately, I lost my HR monitor about a month ago. Going with perceived exertion these days. Definitely plan to open up more on the bike and see what I can hold on the run next week. Should be fun!