Friday, March 13, 2015

Putting the brakes on AND 2015 Boston Marathon bib numbers and waves are posted

Feeling complete drained since yesterday morning.  Just tired and achey but no fever or nauseousness.  I rarely stay home from work…but have been on the couch for 24 hours and I'm still drained!  I hate being sick. I prefer to go.  However, maybe there is a silver lining: letting my hamstring rest and hopefully heal. That said forced myself to do part of a workout just a bit ago after convincing myself I was feeling better.  In retrospect, that made no sense….#whatwasIthinking.  Now, after waking up from sleeping two hours, I'm more drained than before.  UGH.  We'll see what happens…need to do an 18-mile long run in this weekend!  Hope everyone else is healed up and staying strong.

In case you missed it, 2015 Boston Marathon bib numbers and wave assignments have been posted. Given my qualifying time and the previous corral cut off times, I am a little surprised to be in wave 2 again this year.  Steve, we are, as predicted in the same wave, same corral.  Scott is in wave 1, corral 1!  Great job!  Shashy is in wave 1, corral 7.  

Also noticed former UM athlete Zach Ornelas is wearing bib 37 this year…..he's the same guy that was having a discussion with Stephanie a couple years ago while he was running a 14:40 5K…..Steph was the lead biker :-).  It went something like, "Hey, is your last name Karr? I room with your nephew Nathan, and I was a student teacher in your school. How have you been?"  Amazing.

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