Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 2012-15 Totals

Month in Review
March 2015 has been all about monitoring (my hamstring) and adjusting to keep training as much as possible.

Here are what the March 2015 totals looked like along with the three previous years as context. As a reminder, goal events for each year:
2012 - Summer - Ironman Mont Tremblant
2013 - Spring - Lansing Marathon to BQ, Summer - IM Muncie 70.3
2014 - Spring - Boston,  Summer - IM Steelhead 70.3, Fall - Detroit Half
2015 - Spring - Boston, Summer - IM Boulder, Fall - heal from IM and then 5K/10K Focus

Line 1: Hours worked out this month...despite hamstring, doing fine.
Line 2: Swim...had hoped to do more, but lots of family obligations kept me from swim practice. Downward trend in swim yardage from January and February. No matter...all of those distances are meager.  This will clearly need to change after Boston.  
Line 3: Bike...Lots of good miles as a way compensate for the lack of run miles.
Line 4: Run...Low mileage, but I'm hoping it all be OK.  Hammy seems to be on the mend. :-)
20 days until go.

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