Friday, March 20, 2015

You should read this....First Post About My New Garmin

I was happy to read an article this evening entitled Alberto Salazar's 10 Golden Rules of Running: CLICK HERE to check it out.  Good stuff for runners and you tri-wannabes to read.

Take particular note of #10.  Or if you don't have time to click above, let me quote it for you:  


Note: This is not my hand.
I've been pretty quiet about the Xmas Garmin . . . gotta say it is all of what I expected and more.  In particular the automatic uploading via iPhone or home WiFi is the best new feature.  It is a great time more plugging the watch into the computer or transferring via USB dongle.  Haha.  

I've also been happily surprised by the features of Garmin Connect, the place your data shows up once it is uploaded. Everything is right there for viewing and analysis, and it is easy to connect with others to share workout data.

@ryankarr23, @jmmuncie, @cm0nay: the chart here is from this afternoon's bike intervals on Garmin Connect.  I was riding those intervals at ~260 watts.  You get in early on the bike at the local tri when you ride 260 watts ;-).  Just sayin...youth is not everything boys. #smack

I'm also interested in the segments part of Garmin Connect where how fast others have run or biked predetermined sections of road or trail can be seen and compared.  Could be fun with friends.

Once your data is uploaded to Garmin Connect it is pretty easy to set up an automated transfer to other training websites including my go to

Lots to talk about related to the new Garmin but gotta get back to the school work tonight...big things to finish up on this fun Friday.

Happy weekend running!  Have fun :-)

This is Chuck's long lost Garmin that Dave stole.
PS While we've previously made it clear this is not a blog about Dave, I do want to show a picture of Dave's Garmin which was manufactured just before WWII, maybe in the early 30s.  

Actually it belongs to Dave's Dad, Chuck.  Dave stole it from Chuck. I feel bad to Chuck. His son steals from him.

Chuck is my second best Facebook friend.  I'm going to post this on FB for Chuck to see.

Everyone:  Watch out when you are around Dave. He might steal your Garmin next!

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