Saturday, July 14, 2018


On my mind today: 
- My current favorite Dean Meyer quote: "The Ironman swim is pass/fail."  Amen brother. 

- Packed two wetsuits (full sleeve and sleeveless) and swimskin.  Can't believe I'd go compete with the swimskin because I don't hopes of getting a Kona spot....but I did it at Boulder.  I'm smarter now... so probably will go with full-sleeve wetsuit.

- Had a really nice 3.3 hour bike ride this morning. Feeling good about new gearing and overall set up. RTG pretty much. 

- Did you know there is an underwear run before full Ironman events where everyone gets together and just wears their underwear and running shoes?  Lake Placid's is Friday at noon. Good idea? Kinda want to do it. 

- Packing again today (does it seem like I've been new doing this forever?).  Current packing focus: 
- Morning nutrition bag or box
- Morning swim bag
- Bike transition bag 
- Bike special needs bag
- Run transition bag
- Run special needs bag
I will take a picture of them and post when they are done. 

- Also made a list of things I'm missing and need to get...and went out to get them:  CO2 inflator/adapter, extra tube with removable valve cores, Ensure for morning nutrition. 

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